
Strategic Investor Communications

Transform your equity story into powerful, effective messaging for generating investor interest, influencing stakeholder perceptions and driving company valuation.

Increasing Impact Through Collaboration

Leveraging over 100 years of industry expertise, we partner with our clients to enhance their investor presentations through clear, credible and compelling storytelling.

Comprehensive Methodology

Our well-established proprietary framework and methodology elevates key messages to retain existing and attract new investors, driving higher valuation.

Full Suite of Investor Day Offerings

From messaging and design to executive coaching and materials review, we offer a comprehensive range of solutions to meet your investor communication needs.

We help companies deliver a more compelling and impactful message for maximum investor engagement.

Solutions We Offer

Investor Days and Capital Markets Days

Investor Presentations 

Conference and NDR Materials 

Quarterly Earnings Materials 

Strategic Updates and Maintenance

Investor Communications Analysis and Enhancement

Factsheets and Booklets

Board Materials

IR Website Messaging Assessments 

Custom Design 

Executive Coaching

Tailored Consulting Engagements

Investors purchase future potential, not just past performance.

Telling a clear story with proof points and transparency not only attracts greater interest, but also builds management credibility.

Our methodology is unique.

We have been studying investor attitudes and behaviors since 1991 and know how to navigate the discrepancy between the story our clients want to tell, and the story investors want to hear.

Rivel’s proven, multi-stage process was developed to drive effective communications by closing our clients’ investor knowledge gaps.

We partner with you to present your most compelling investment thesis to enhance visibility, drive value, establish long-term credibility and change stakeholder perceptions. 

: Rivel’s Proven 5-Step Investor Day Methodology Chart

Design Solutions

In-house Design Expertise to Fit Your Organization’s Needs

Our design studio develops impactful, persuasive and on-brand presentations that go beyond numbers – they tell a story about your company’s vision, potential and what sets you apart.

We create a range of materials including investor day presentations, investor decks, earnings presentations, fact book and factsheets, and event branding.

Our goal is to ensure your investor materials align with and enhance your messaging.

Rivel and Workiva

Rivel's award-winning team of designers and copywriters are trained and experienced in producing best-in-class communications through the Workiva platform.

Rivel’s In-house Design Studio for Investor  Presentations
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